Just what everybody
needs -- Another End Times Blog.
Actually, this blog
isn't so much about the end times. My long time focus has been on the Book of
Revelation. So, think of this blog as a place holding my thoughts and notes
about John's apocalypse. Given my propensity to change note & word
processing apps, even entire operating systems at the drop of a hat, I needed a
somewhat whim-safe mental mechanization storage facility. I think a blog fits
that bill.
Of course the Book
of Revelation does deal with end time events so a little binary code will be
expended on the end times within the 1's and 0's of this blog as well. Word of caution though,
I'm 98.7% certain that the content of this blog will never have the approval of
either Tim LaHaye or Jerry Jenkins. Nothing against the Left Behind boys mind
you; I thought their books were pretty decent works of fiction.
Other people likely
to be disappointed by Another End Times Blog include Bible code aficionados,
numerologists (unless the total letters of their last name when translated from
Hebrew to Babylonian is 3 less than the cube root of pi multiplied by itself less
one), and people who think Harold Camping, Glenn Beck, John Hagee, or Jack Van Impe are pretty good
Bible expositors.
Rules of the rode:
I'm not seminary
trained, I don't speak for a denomination, I'm not a teacher, I have no
background in Biblical languages (most people agree that even my command of
English is lacking), and I have a tendency to skip a step or two when trying to
make logical connections. So, everything I post is subject to being totally and
completely wrong, inarticulate, or mostly dumb. If on rare occasions I post an
article that resonates with you though, I would very much appreciate hearing
from you. Give me the benefit of your thoughts and post your comments people.
Be interactive, respectful, and open minded.
Oh and Trolls…do us
all a favor, go away.
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